A10, Second hand parts sale! Anything you want or need, just give me a ring!
All enquiries: 01625 265185 or email please
Current turnaround time for magnetos and dynamos is approx. 2 weeks
I repair magnetos and dynamos, BTH and Lucas for motorcycles only. I also have hoards of BSA A10 spares, new and second-hand. I also have massive stocks of new and second-hand dynamo, magneto and general electrical spares. I have accounts with all the usual suppliers and have some products manufactured exclusively for Priory Magnetos Ltd.
Ordering is easy, just give me a ring during normal business hours. Pay with a debit card over the phone. If I'm not in, send an email or leave a message.
A magneto restoration costs i.r.o. £290 which includes a two-year guarantee. The most expensive magneto rebuild ever leaving this workshop was £355. Check the magneto / dynamo pages for more details. I can build popular magnetos from scratch from £325.
You can check the workshop diary page to check progress on your job. No need to phone!
It is no longer possible to deal with orders from overseas, due to the time burden of administration relating to export.
Retail prices quoted on this website, whilst usually correct, are subject to review at time of quotation.
This is a one-man-band, post retirement, business. If I'm not here, please leave a message or send an email. I'm in and out of the workshop most weekdays. If I plan to be unavailable for more than a couple of days I will leave a message at the top of this page. During the summer months I reduce my workshop commitment and may turn work down so that I can work on my own projects..
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Site Index
Click on the page links below for Services and Spares provided by Priory Magnetos Ltd .......
Magneto Repairs (motorcycles only): Lucas K1F, K2F, KVF, MO1, N1. BTH KC-1/2. Rewinds, new capacitors, bearings, oil seals, remagnetising, etc.
Dynamo Repairs (motorcycles only): Lucas E3L, E3LM. 12v conversions, new armatures, bearings, brushes, field coils, polarity check and correct, zinc plating.
Refurbished mag and dyno stock Magnetos and dynamos often available for outright sale or exchange.
ATD Repairs: BSA and Triumph units repaired when parts are available.
BSA A7 and A10 spares: One of the most comprehensive stocks of spares in the UK
Magneto & ATD spares: Bearings, pickups, oil seals, insulation cups, brushes, end caps, i.d. labels......
Ignition spares: Coils, spark plugs, HT lead, points, Electronic ignition conversion kits......
Dynamo & Regulator parts: Armatures, field coils, brushes, repair kits, bearings, DC regulators (6 / 12v)…...
Electrical spares: Headlamps, rear lights, ammeters, connectors, switches, horns, looms...….
Universal spares: Handlebar grips, levers, tyres, inner tubes, lubricants, mirrors, tools.
Cables Cables for all A7, A10 and some other models, universal cables, DIY cables.
Chain Primary and secondary chains for most models.
Fasteners Universal nuts, bolts, washers, all BSCY thread, grease nipples.
Fuel system Fuel lines and parts, taps, carburettor parts.
Technical support: Support for customers with BSA A10, charging, or magneto issues.
Rims and Spokes: Rims and spokes suitable for BSA A10 models through the years.
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Please read the T&C's page. This includes postage arrangements and special conditions for overseas sales.
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Thank you for looking at my website. I do my best to help people with their BSA A10 issues and anything connected with motorcycle magnetos, dynamos, and d.c. electrical systems. I have been restoring magnetos and dynamos for over 30 years and I have been an A10 owner for over 40 years. I like to work on my own projects and I have family commitments so I don't spend the whole week in the workshop! However I'll always do my best to help customers and I like to meet deadlines for the completion of jobs. I am proud of my reputation which is to provide a prompt, personal and friendly service. I normally reduce workshop hours in the summer and there'll be a notice displayed at the top of the page when this, and any other breaks, are planned.
Andrew Guttmann